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Worship starts at 10:45 am. Gatherings for all ages at 9:30 am.

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None of our children's ministries happen without safe, reliable volunteers who love God and the children entrusted to our care. As parents of children blessed by this ministry, we especially want and need you!

Alongside a warm, energetic ministry team, it's a privilege to welcome you to our site and hopefully begin connecting you to our growing church family. We're so glad you're here.

Only with the Lord's help can we fulfill our mission to guide people into becoming healthy followers of Jesus Christ, generation to generation.

Don't be afraid to take a longer, more patient view of things. Barnabas did, and it made all the difference.

Join women from First Free as they seek God in His Word and accept His invitation to draw near to Him in prayer at their annual conference.

The purpose of Deepen is to encourage and help you get connected at a deeper level. We want First Free to feel like home, where you know and are known. We also want to help you understand and express your unique giftedness for ministry.

There is hope in overcoming a lifestyle of addiction with the help of fellow believers who have found healing themselves. We can provide the ongoing support needed to bring about meaningful change through a biblical approach to recovery.

You are more secure than you think. Your Father will sustain you and keep you safe. You don't need to inch fearfully through life, waiting for the bottom to fall out. Christ will hold you fast. Walk tall. God is with you - and for you!

We're grateful for Amy's important ministry. We encourage you to learn more about it, uphold her in your prayers, and generously continue the financial partnerships that allow our support of her ministry.

We are excited to welcome Michelle into the role of Awana Coordinator! We are also grateful to Marie, Beth, and the many Children's Ministry volunteers for their continued excellent service to the Children's Ministry.