Sunday Worship (10:45 a.m.)
Our worship service begins at 10:45 a.m. in our auditorium. We sing the best of modern praise songs and some classic Christian hymns, led by our praise band. Sometimes our choir sings. One of our pastors will deliver a message from the Bible that applies to your life so we can all experience some of God’s transforming power.
Junior Church (Toddler - Grade 5)
We provide a junior church experience for children, Toddler – Grade 5 that includes songs, Bible lessons, activities, and crafts using Gospel Project for Kids with an emphasis on being a worshipper. We also offer a safe, fun nursery for babies.
If your child plans to join us for Sunday or Wednesday night programming, you can pre-register them here!
Nursery (Newborns - 2 Years Old)
We offer a safe, fun nursery for babies during Sunday Worship. Please visit the First Free Kids Welcome Desk for more information and to register your child.