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Worship starts at 10:45 am. Gatherings for all ages at 9:30 am.

FFC2024 - Blog - Mark (Thumbnail)

I have two favorite roller coasters at Kennywood. The first is the Jack Rabbit. Old wooden coasters are classic. The long, clickety-clack ascent upward, followed by the plunge through twists and turns, is a lot of fun for little kids and adults alike. I enjoyed riding the Jack Rabbit with my kids, nieces, and nephew when they were young.

The other coaster I consider a favorite is the Sky Rocket. Premiering in 2010, it's a more modern coaster. There is no long, clickety-clacking ascent. It goes from 0 to 50 MPH in a remarkably smooth 3 seconds while shooting 95 feet straight upward before plunging down a 90-degree drop, entering a cutback inversion, and completing two half-corkscrews. The whole thing takes just a shade over a minute and is a rush.

As we embark on our journey through Mark's gospel this Sunday, envision it as a thrilling ride on the Sky Rocket, not the leisurely pace of the Jack Rabbit. Just like a roller coaster, all gospels have their highs and lows, twists and turns. However, Mark's gospel is a high-speed adventure, a rush of profound teachings that illustrate Jesus' message with an exhilarating sense of urgency.

Unlike Matthew and Luke, Mark's gospel doesn't begin with detailed genealogies or descriptions of Christ's birth or early years. It starts with Jesus entering His public ministry, commanding John the Baptist to baptize Him in the Jordan River. Right after, the Spirit - and I quote - "immediately" drives Jesus out to the desert for forty days of fasting, prayer, and temptation by Satan. In fact, one commentator points out that Mark's gospel uses the word "immediately" 41 times! Talk about a sense of urgency!

However, for all of its urgency, it would be a mistake to think Mark's gospel lacks detail. When Mark shares stories common to other gospels, his account often provides extra "color," helping us paint the mental picture even more vividly.

Mark's gospel was written with a specific audience in mind-Roman Gentiles with little knowledge of Old Testament teaching. Mark wanted to make the good news of Jesus as plain and persuasive as possible for them. He trusted that others would provide additional details and nuance. Mark's gospel is a testament to inclusivity, putting his simple, concise, and compelling message on blast: the Son of God has come, and this message is for everyone.

Regardless of where you are in your faith journey, Mark's gospel has something for you. Whether you're a mature Christian steeped in the Bible and sound Christian doctrine, relatively young in the faith, or still exploring what it means to follow Jesus, Mark's gospel is an outstanding resource. It meets you where you are and guides you further along your path.

If you're old in faith, pay attention to Mark's unique telling of the gospel message. Listen for details you'll only hear in his words. You'll be rewarded. And if you're relatively young in the faith or exploring what it means to follow Jesus, this was written with you in mind. I trust you will enjoy and benefit from our study of this beautiful book. 

Can't wait to see you on Sunday!