Be our guest this Sunday!

Worship starts at 10:45 am. Gatherings for all ages at 9:30 am.

FFC2024 - Blog Post - Five Ways to Connect

People sometimes wonder what a committed relationship with a local church looks like. At First Free, we encourage our newest friends toward five primary connections. 


We worship every Sunday at 10:45 AM. Although we'd much prefer to see you in person, we also offer an online option for those traveling or otherwise precluded from meeting. Visit our website, Facebook page, or YouTube channel. 


In addition to regular Sunday worship involvement, we encourage people to connect with a smaller fellowship like a Sunday Morning Gathering, Wednesday Night Growth Group, a support group, or a Bible study with friends from the church.


Prayer is a primary means of God's grace in our lives as individuals and as a church family. We offer a prayer chain through our church office and routine times of fasting and prayer as a congregation.


You have gifts for ministry, and we need them in action! There are so many ways to serve at First Free. Let us help you connect with a ministry team. It's a great way to make new friends, help others, and glorify God!


We are not a high-pressure church when it comes to offerings. We trust that as God generously provides for His people at First Free, they will - in turn - generously support the ministry of the gospel in and through our congregation. If you would like to give, there are many ways to do so:

1 - Online at

2 - Check by mail to:

First Evangelical Free Church
4001 University Drive
McKeesport, PA 15132

3 - Text the amount you want to give to 84321 and note the designated fund. If you do not select a fund, the gift will go to Faith Giving.

4 - Using an offering box in the rear of the Auditorium

As always, if you have any questions about connecting at First Free, drop me, another pastor, or a member of our staff a note. We're here for you!