Be our guest this Sunday!

Worship starts at 10:45 am. Gatherings for all ages at 9:30 am.

FFC2023 - PK Blog - 7 Ways to Welcome Guests

It's a privilege to welcome new individuals, couples, and families to First Free every Sunday. We want to make the most of those opportunities, and you can help! Here are seven ways to help our guests receive a warm welcome, find their way, and make connections. 

A simple and genuine smile can help a newcomer feel welcome. It communicates warmth and hospitality. 

Greet newcomers and maybe even introduce yourself.
Saying "Hi!" or "Good morning!" to guests communicates that you notice and value them. Consider taking a minute to introduce yourself. 

Move to the center of your row.
Walking into a crowded auditorium can be intimidating to guests, especially when everyone is standing. Reduced sight lines due to a wall of humanity can make it hard for newcomers to find a seat. You can help by moving to the center of your row, opening the more visible and accessible aisle seats. 

Help our Welcome Team focus on guests. 
Welcome Team members wear distinctive shirts and red "Ask me!" buttons on Sunday mornings. You can help them stay laser-focused on helping those new and newer to First Free Church by delaying non-essential conversations for another time. 

Park in the upper lot.
You can park in the upper lot behind the church facility on Sunday mornings. Doing so frees easier-to-identify parking for our guests. 

Encourage guests to complete the Connect Card.
Our Connect Card is the primary way visitors can let us know how to reach and help connect them. We have paper copies available in every row on Sunday mornings. Guests can also fill out the card online on our website and app.

Point guests to our Cafe and Welcome Desk!
Encourage guests to stop by our Cafe before worship for coffee and treats. Then, after the worship service, they can stop by our new Welcome Desk beneath the cross in our main lobby. In addition, guests can return their completed Connect Cards and receive a welcome gift!

Of course, you can do many more things to help our guests feel right at home. However, these seven are at the core of our approach. Thank you for welcoming those new and newer to First Free. We're on a mission to guide people into becoming healthy followers of Jesus Christ, and you're helping us achieve it to God's glory.