Discover What’s NEXT


Join us this Sunday as we continue NEXT, a new sermon series unveiling First Free Church’s mission, vision, and 10 goals for the next decade. Let’s step forward in faith, trusting the God who holds the future!

FFC2024 - NEXT - New Mission Statement (1)

We’re stepping into a new season of ministry with a fresh vision—one rooted in God’s Word and our calling as His people. Our mission has been simple yet powerful for years: “We exist to guide people into becoming healthy followers of Jesus Christ.” It’s a mission that has led us through many beautiful seasons of growth and discipleship. But as we look to the next decade, we believe God is calling us to something even deeper, even broader. We are excited to introduce our new mission statement, part of our emerging 10-year strategic vision, something we're calling NEXT:

“We’re on a mission to love God and love people, making disciples who make a difference.”

This shift in language captures not only where we’ve been but also where God is leading us. It’s a beautiful reflection of the greatest commandments that Jesus gave us—to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind, and to love our neighbor as ourselves (Matthew 22:37-39). It’s also a call to go beyond, to live out our faith in ways that transform not only our own hearts but also the communities we’re part of. Let’s unpack how this new mission reflects the upward, outward, and inward looks of a thriving disciple.

Upward: Loving God

The greatest commandment, according to Jesus, is to love God with everything we are (Matthew 22:37). This upward focus—fixing our hearts on God—reminds us that our lives are first and foremost about His glory. As we journey forward with our new mission, loving God is at the center. We want to cultivate a deep, abiding relationship with the Lord, where worship, prayer, and obedience flow naturally from hearts filled with gratitude.

Psalm 73:25 captures this beautifully: “Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you.” Our love for God shapes all that we do and sets the foundation for everything else in life.

Outward: Loving People

The second part of our mission echoes the second greatest commandment: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:39). Jesus consistently taught that our love for God must spill over into love for others. We’re not just called to love those who are easy to love, but also those who are difficult, marginalized, and different from us.

This outward focus moves us beyond ourselves and into the world, where we can be the hands and feet of Jesus. When we love others well, we reflect the heart of God, who loved us first (1 John 4:19). Our church is committed to being a community where that love is visible—not just in words, but in action.

Inward: Making Disciples

While the first two parts of our mission are clear, the third piece is what brings it all together: “making disciples who make a difference.” We believe the gospel calls us to transformation from the inside out. Jesus didn’t just ask us to make converts; He commissioned us to make disciples—people who follow Him fully and live out their faith in ways that impact the world (Matthew 28:19-20).

As we grow inwardly—becoming more like Christ—we are equipped to make a difference outwardly. Whether that’s in our families, workplaces, schools, or neighborhoods, we want to see people embodying the love of Christ in every sphere of life. When Jesus told His followers, “You are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14), He wasn’t just speaking to them individually; He was speaking to us as His church. Together, we are called to bring God’s light to the world.

The NEXT Vision: 10 Goals for 10 Years

Our new mission is just one part of a broader 10-year vision we’re calling NEXT. This vision includes 10 specific goals designed to guide us as we seek to live out this mission. While these goals are diverse, each one is grounded in our desire to love God, love people, and make a difference as disciples.

In the coming weeks, we’ll be sharing more about these goals and how you can be a part of them. But for now, we invite you to join us in prayer, asking God to lead and empower us as we pursue this mission together.

A Privilege and a Calling

It’s a privilege to love God and love people, and it’s a high calling to be a disciple who makes a difference. As we move forward, we’re confident that this mission will not only shape our church but also extend far beyond our walls. We are excited to see how God will work through us as we step into this new chapter.

Let’s embrace the NEXT decade with hearts wide open, fully committed to God’s purposes, and eager to make an eternal impact in every area of life. Together, we’ll pursue the upward, outward, and inward calling of this mission for God’s glory and the common good.

Grace and peace,

Pastor Kevin